Parental Controls for Game Consoles & Other Devices (Google HOME, Nintendo etc.)
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- Parental Controls for Game Consoles & Other Devices (Google HOME, Nintendo etc.)
Most games consoles are internet enabled. Which means your child can go online and chat with other players or make in-game purchases.
Like with mobiles and tablets, the controls on your games console help you to manage what your child can and can’t do.
Some devices allow you to:
- set up different profiles for each family member
- deactivate the internet
- turn off chat functions to stop your child from talking to strangers.
If you’re not sure where to start or need some advice, you can speak to one of the experts from the O2 & NSPCC helpline. Call on 0808 800 5002.
Or read the advice on gaming devices from UK Safer Internet Centre.
** If there are any parental controls for another device you would like that are not listed here, please contact school, and we will try and source them for you.