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Larwood School

Part of Larwood Academy Trust

#1 September 2016

Blog #1

Exciting times at Larwood School! Our new website is now up and running and I hope you agree it looks great! Any feedback and ideas would be welcome.

Our new website has coincided with us becoming an Academy School. Therefore Larwood School is now an Academy as part of Larwood Academy Trust. As I have already stated your children won't notice the difference in the short term, but hopefully some of the freedoms we now have will help all of pupils in the long term.

Finally, our most important news-how your children are making progress having come back after half term. Some fantastic points this week and an amazing performance from our newly formed rugby team. Mr V mentioned them all in assembly this week and many gained certificates for determination, passion, self belief, honesty, respect and teamwork. All of which are values that we promote as a school. They also managed to gain fourth place in competition with over twenty other mainstream schools.  All in all, a great start to the second half of the autumn term.


S D Trimble
