Class BuBBLeS floating further!
It is with great pleasure to report that all our new and old pupils have settled in well. Our new pupils are getting used to their class teams, routines, and procedures.
Last half-term we covered several topics in our assemblies, including international literacy day, Jeans for Genes, British Food, World Space Week and World Mental Health Day. Our essential's curriculum is embedding well and is impacting positively on pupil learning and development.
There are exciting new events to look forward to as we approach this half-term. This includes a number of festive celebrations, Christmas carols and our ever-popular Christmas lunch.
I am excited to announce that we will be returning to some kind of normality with regard to Thursday skills and Friday activities, whereby class ‘bubbles’ will be able to access a wider range of activities off-site i.e. rubber rings, community outreach, life skills, gym and dance to name a few. We know that this plays a big part in making Larwood such a special school!
I hope you all had a peaceful and happy half-term, and we look forward to this exciting second half-term.
Stay warm and toasty!
Mr Van
Acting Headteacher - Larwood School