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Larwood School

Part of Larwood Academy Trust


The main focus for us all is getting pupils back to routines, learning and dare I say it, having a bit of fun! The start of the term seemed to conspire against us. Not only did we have the continued complications of the pandemic to deal with, but also major building works have started on our approach road and surrounding land. Our pupils (your sons/daughters) have dealt with all of this superbly. As already communicated with you, it is so good to have them all back and our new pupils have all started to show signs of settling in well. It is always tricky being new, and some may take longer than others to understand the way that we work. However, I am confident that  will get there soon.

All our classes are producing artwork which will be displayed in the dining hall. Mr Reid has designed the frames to include material that will help dampen the noise in that area. Of course, noise in that area is not an issue right now as all classes have lunch in their classrooms!

As you know the continuing issues around Covid 19, mean that there is a high chance classes will be effected by the virus, testing and self-isolation procedures. Therefore, in line with all other schools across England, we have developed a range of procedures that will be helpful for such situations. We are using Microsoft Teams as our platform for remote learning situations and would ask that you download the free app on your devices/your child’s device just in case of the need to use it. It can be accessed here:


This will enable us to communicate and teach when the situations lead to some form of self-isolation scenario. This maybe:

  • If a member of staff has a family member that may be going through the process of being tested for Covid 19, but is symptom free/well and able to teach
  • If a pupil/family member is needing to get tested but is well enough to learn from home
  • If there is a positive test result from a staff member or pupil in a class bubble, but some pupils are well enough to engage with learning.

Please note that none of the above applies when someone is unwell and has the symptoms of Coronavirus. If a pupil is unwell then all efforts should be on getting better and following appropriate medical advice.

Despite all the complications, we have had a great start to the year. That has only been possible
with your support and help. Thank you and I hope you have a restful half term break.

Please note all pupils should return to school, at the usual time on Monday 2nd November.                                   

Sean Trimble
Executive Headteacher


Downloadable PDF of the Larwood Larwood is attached below