eSafety! Digital 5 a day 2018
Digital 5 A day! Helping children and young people lead healthy online lives.
The amount of time that children are online is increasing. A new campaign, led by The Children’s Commissioner, called Digital 5 A Day has been launched to help parents encourage their children to have a good digital diet which includes a balance of being connected, active and creative, giving to others and being mindful. The Children’s Commissioner stated, ‘You wouldn’t let an 8-year-old eat a double cheeseburger and fries every day of the year, so it’s important children aren’t left to use smart phones, computers or tablets without agreed boundaries….. So our 5 A Day guide promotes a positive relationship with technology rather than being too restrictive and is actually based on the NHS’s five steps to mental well-being. We’ve placed those in a digital context and think it gives parents guidance and children room to explore and learn while keeping them safe. Importantly, it encourages them to do so themselves.’
The Digital 5 A Day: A Guide For Children and Young People can be accessed from the PDF attached at the bottom of this page.